uploads/push car.jpg

push car 〔美國〕(鐵路上的)四輪手推車。

push cycle

We ' ve done a little bit of hooning about race tracks in our time , pushing cars past the point where they go where we wanted them to , and the game ' s physics capture that almost - out - of - control feeling perfectly 我們也花了一點時間去嘗試讓計算機輔助跑賽道的功能,讓車子到我們想要他到的點,而游戲中的動態捕捉系統非常好。

We ' ve done a little bit of hooning about race tracks in our time , pushing cars past the point where they go where we wanted them to , and the game ' s physics capture that almost - out - of - control feeling perfectly 我們也花了一點時間去嘗試讓電腦輔助跑賽道的功能,讓車子到我們想要他到的點,而游戲中的動態捕捉系統非常好。

Brian : ( pushing car ) but i have to . you didn ' t put any gas in 布萊恩: (在推車)但我有需要這樣做,你沒有加油。